The benefits of combining branding with digital marketing
Our primary school art classes managed to instill the sense of combining different things so as to get better and more results. A good example would be; combining the three primary colors i.e. red, yellow and blue in order to achieve more colors thus moving to a ‘higher level’ (secondary colors).
Before you combine branding with digital marketing, an understanding of what each entails is highly recommended.
In a nutshell, Digital marketing is the promotion of goods and services using digital channels, these include; mobile phones (MMS and SMS), online advertising, social media marketing, display advertising, Search Engine Marketing amongst others. While Branding is a customer’s perception of your product or service. It simply expresses the value, characteristics and the attributes of an organization.
Now that we have a clear picture of the difference between branding and Digital Marketing, below we tell you the benefits of merging the two.
Kenya’s biggest brands, Equity, Bidco, East African Breweries have diversely grown due to the implementation of digital marketing and a better understanding of their brand requirements. These companies have understood what exactly excites their customers and how much they need to add in hence any brand product released by the brand companies is easily purchased. It is a matter of playing your cards right by all means using the available digital channels to create a brand that suits your potential and existing customers.
Everybody’s desire is to grow and so is every company’s interest. It is either you experience the growth or loss but our aim is not to lose but to win. How we put out our ideas and thoughts, services and products determine our achievements at the end of the day. Great companies whose target is to understand their customers and research on their market share are able to grow swiftly as they use the right digital channels. Growth will be felt all round once the combination of both branding and digital marketing is in use.
Albert Einstein once said, “The only source of knowledge is through experience”. The more experiences we have, the more chances we get to stretch our dimensions to other angles far from our recent status. Generally, you display who you are and give reasons for your existence and your value to the end user through the digital channels available. Well, the combination of the two gives you an excellent direction of growing your organization.
Are your customers excited by what they see? Individuals always desire to know what they are being offered in exchange for their loyalty. Once they understand the benefits of acquiring your products and services, their participation is automatically charged. Digital marketing gives you the opportunity to share, interact, inform and direct your potential customers and your consumers.