The Online Opportunity
It’s no secret that the world has embraced all things digital since the birth of the internet. Now we’re going to talk about how many people are online worldwide, and find out how those people are spending their time online. And finally, tell you how your business can benefit from the still-booming digital trend.
To give you an idea of the explosion of online usage over the last 15 years, consider this: In 2000, about 361 million people were online worldwide. In 2016, there were over 3 billion. That’s a growth rate of 764%! Today, nearly half the world is online.
For instance in India, the numbers are growing at an impressive rate with over 34.8% Indians having Internet access in 2016. Indians are so connected that they have an average of 0.80 mobile subscriptions each, that’s nearly one mobile line per person!
No matter which device they use, on average, people spend over 3 hours per day which is more than 90 hours in a month!
So what are they doing with all that time online? And how can your business tap into this opportunity?
Many of these digitally connected people are shopping.For example, there were close to 100 million online shoppers in India by the end of 2016.
Online video has also seen double-digit growth in the last five years, with millions everyday watching video on social sites or via websites such as Youtube, Netflix, etc.
And people are spending hours, socialising and sharing—nearly 2 and a half hours of their time spent online per day is on social media sites.
If you’re a business owner, all these people doing all these things online presents loads of potential for you.
And as time goes on, people will continue to use the Internet in even more ways that will impact your business.
It’s been truly a modern miracle to witness how the Internet has transformed our daily lives in such a short span of time.
In every country, in every region, across the globe, the world has made a fundamental and profound shift to digital. This is an opportunity any business can embrace.
Talk to us and we’ll show you how.

How much does Social Media cost in Kenya?
Businesses in Kenya are increasingly realizing the value of social media; and that is a good thing. But with value comes cost and that is what I would like to delve into today.
Is Social Media Cheap?
The word out there is that social media is cheap and many a social media practitioner in Kenya will attempt to prove this to you through case studies, research, and sometimes actual implementation. Internationally as well, it is common knowledge that social media represents the cheapest marketing option for businesses. But beyond marketing, the value of social media is seen and felt in its facilitation of many other business functions like sales, customer care, research and development etc. So I ask again, why is social media considered cheaper yet it is the most versatile platform for businesses to advance themselves?
Cost Misconception
I guess all the blogs written about how cheap social media is have led to this prevalent misconception that social media should cost next to nothing. Businesses are trying to employ social media at no cost and while the dive into social media is welcome, the just as many casualties of social media disasters point to this wrong approach tiered on a flawed perception. Cheap or cheaper does not mean nothing or next to nothing; it means there will be a cost attached albeit cheaper either in terms of same costs you employ in marketing but better ROI or a fraction of what you use in marketing or R&D for similar ROI.
Cheap Cheapens Social Media
The blogs that should be going out should not be stating how cheap social media is but rather how relatively cheaper it is. Stating social media is cheap cheapens our work as Social Media solutions providers because it creates the perception that anybody with knowledge of these shiny social media tools can do what we do. And that is the reason most businesses try to pull it off using interns. Our work is not being seen as an executive level grasp of business objectives infused with an understanding of emerging technologies with the end result being a strategic deployment of social media across the organization in a way that fundamentally changes how the business runs and ultimately improves the bottom-line.
Social Media Costs
The truth is that social media is relatively cheaper. You will get but ROI given the same resources. And it is important to realize that social media does not replace most business functions but rather facilitates most of these functions in a way that enables them to scale. Social Media is time intensive and human resources intensive as well; both of which have a cost connotation. There are services that cost cold hard cash and those have to be factored in too. So the next time someone says social media is cheap, what they mean is it is relatively cheaper.

Digital Online Management – Get A Specialist To Manage Your Online Assets
The content that potential customers find online about your brand can be the difference maker for your business. We specialize in providing Digital Online Management services that help build trust in your organization.
Your online position is the merging of every piece of information about you online. This data comes together to form an opinion in a person’s mind about you or your brand, whether positive or negative. The easier it is to find the information, the more of an impact it will have on your reputation. The primary platforms that define your online reputation include:
● Google Search
● Google Autocomplete
● Wikipedia
● Google Reviews
● Online Directory
● Social Media Profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
With Digital Online Management, we work hard to make all of the positive information easy to find on a day to day basis. We act as your representative on the different platforms by providing rock-solid team management that engages potential clients for you. At the same time, we use many different strategies and tactics to diminish the visibility of negative content, or in some cases, remove it from the web altogether. The end result is a positive online reputation because when people search your name or brand, they instantly find positive content.
What makes online communication unique from others is its immediate access to consumers and outcome. As with any media, a successful approach to digital- and social media requires knowing what you are doing, how you are doing it, and why. Social media networks have become vital to success as traditional media outlets, especially for reaching younger constituents. And when you don’t work with digital media on a daily basis, it takes time and effort to stay updated on the know-how for managing all your social communities effectively. That’s why we offer you the services of managing your accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media.
You only get one chance to make a first impression, at Entwined Media #WeCanHelp you make it a great one.

Lead Generation – Successfully Converted Your Leads Into Sales
Lead Generation is the process of stimulating customer attention into your business for the purpose of further rendezvous. It is the sowing of seeds.
Today, lead generation is carried out in digital platforms. Online lead generation is your marketing weapon and to win the war depends on how you utilise this powerful weapon. Utilising lead generation begins from understanding the importance of lead generation and its impact.
It is the process of getting an individual or organisation’s contact information of who/which is showing interest in the product or service that you offer. In order to generate such leads on a digital platform, first, you have to drive traffic to your business website.
Traffic to your website can be generated in numerous effective ways. All it takes is consistency.
You can do so by SEO, softwares, keywords, guest blogging, sales prospecting methods, social media platforms and much more.
The next step would be to have a lead generation form. Just driving traffic to your website and not getting their contact details would make them a site visitor and not your lead. You should communicate with the site visitors to convert them into a leads. Such communication for a long term relationship can be best done through emails.
Lead Generation Form:
Lead generation forms are the most important component of lead generation. It facilitates the overall process by collecting information of the site visitors. This helps you convert such visitors into actual leads.
It helps you compile user data
Site visitors don’t just submit their contact information. You need to a plan in order to compel them into submitting. This can be done by providing offers.
An offer is something that you offer to the site visitor that compels them to give their contact information. It becomes a critical part of your lead generation process as it persuades the visitor to share their personal information.
The important part in lead generation campaigns is the CTAs or Call To Actions.
Call To Action is either a button on the website that directs a site visitor to take a particular action. A compelling CTA takes users to your offer thereby allowing them in providing their contact information.
Lead Management
Leads come from different sources such as Web sites, social media, direct mail, third-party providers, events and call centres. Businesses undertake marketing strategies to attract potential customers, whether at the shopping mall, over the Internet or in person on the retail floor. It is vital to identify, understand and take relevant action immediately, as soon as the consumer states an interest.
Managing the generated leads helps you understand which tactics are bringing in the best or most leads. Thereby, you can optimise your plan to be both efficient and effective.
Lead Nurturing
Lead Nurturing is a relation-expanding process. It uses media platforms such as email, whitepapers, blogs, telecommunication, social media, third-party articles etc. The aim of lead nurturing is to support the prospects with relevant information and engage the same leads in an ongoing dialogue.
The goal of lead nurturing is to support and nurture long-term opportunities with the hope that these prospects or leads may indulge in future sales
Lead Conversion
Lead conversion is the final stage in this process. This means that the prospect has successfully converted into a sale. It helps us organise our prospects and move them through the sales cycle. This is the sole reason behind generating leads; to convert leads into paying customers. Leads become a dead asset if you’re not keeping in touch via follow-ups.
This doesn’t mean that the customer contact can be scrapped. It is of utmost value to the company. Even after the transaction is complete with the customer, the relationship still goes on. The existing customers are the best in generating more leads. And converting these leads is not as hard as they were referred by the existing customer and he adds brand value.
What is your lead generation process like? Do talk to us #WeCanHelp

Internet Advertising – Increase You ROI
Digital advertising, also called Internet advertising is when businesses use Internet technologies to deliver promotional advertisements to consumers. Digital advertising includes promotional advertisements and messages delivered through email, social media websites, online advertising on search engines, banner ads on mobile or Web sites and affiliates programs.
Digital marketing uses digital channels to market or promote the services and products to customers and businesses thus charting an efficient way to build a relationship with the customer with great depth and relevance.
For anyone who has done a search on Google or gone to any professional media website, you’ve probably seen this at work. Examples include:
● Pay-Per-Click Advertising: These are the ads that show up on page one of search engine results. You bid to have your ad appear with the results for particular searches. You only get charged for the ad when someone clicks on it.
● Remarketing: Remarketing involves adding a tag to Google Adwords to pages on your site. When people go to a particular page, you can put them on a list for a related keyword or search term. From there, you can design a marketing campaign so these viewers see relevant ads whenever they search for the same terms or related ones.
Unlike billboards or TV ads, interactions with online ads can be tracked and measured effectively. The benefits that come from digital advertising include:
Research has show that every dollar spent on digital advertising yields back three times. This is as a result of increase in sales
Digital advertising doesn’t just yield you high returns in itself—it increases the return on investment of your advertising campaigns in other media too.
Research has shown that including online ads helps your other media perform better across the board.
A big concept in modern marketing is the buyer’s journey. Basically, it’s the process a consumer goes through to buy a good or service. It has three stages:
● Awareness
● Consideration
● Decision
Entwined Media Limited has the tools, skills and experience to help you guide customers through each stage. We can work with you to craft advertising that speaks more directly to your audience.
It’s the hard truth—no type of advertising can match word-of-mouth recommendations. People are much more inclined to use a product or service if a friend or family member like it. Online shares and recommendations have almost as big an impact as personal ones.
When someone shares a piece of your digital advertising, you get to tap into that immense power.
Entwined Media Limited can help you craft advertising content that does just that. #WeCanHelp

Social Profiles – The New-Age Tool
he creation of social profiles for the purpose of marketing is a new-age tool. Many SEO services tend to create fake profiles on social media networks to contact and tap potential consumers. However, they do not really follow a method that earn a favorable return on investment. The online users who are contacted are simply not interested because these social profiles are intruding on their privacy.
Our social profile creation services are markedly different. We do not believe in pushing across web links and spamming social media users. We carefully profile what kind of consumers we are targeting and process accordingly.
Different social media channels have specific demographics. While you will find people having a nice time on Facebook, those on LinkedIn are serious professionals. Our social profile creation services make this distinction while strategizing your online business. We keep in mind the consumer group that you are looking at. Then we create social profiles. Our social profiles are not half-baked jobs that are used to push links to your website on a random basis. A lot of study and research goes into creating online designs that are most effective for your business. Social media is not a teenage phenomenon anymore. It is a professional marketing tool and hence need to make optimum use of it.
It’s a off-page technique used by SEO’s to create profile for their client websites using various social channels. It is a one type link building technique. For a social profile creation you require:
● A company name
● Website address
● Company address
● A brief and detailed description of your company
● An email address
● Contact telephone
● Company Logo
To start off social profile creation services, we engage the following criterion:
● Well-researched and complete social profiles according to the stipulation of your business. The background information and a rough biography sketch is created so that SEO service administrators can handle them uniformly.
● Study social media networks and understand their demographic patterns. We focus our efforts on platforms that your targeted potential customers are using
● Social profiles are used to interact and post comments on social media networks. Also they are used to publish blogs and articles to generate opinion and interest about your brand
● Create a brand identity for your business by using social profile creation services
When you create a social profile you need to optimize your profile 100% so that the users can easily get view of your profile. Main importance is to provide information for the user.
At Entwined Media Ltd #WeCanHelp.

Am I using the right Digital Media Platforms? A Platform Analysis guide!
For each organization, you need to know the items or things in your digital marketing that drive your short-term interests but you also need to understand what impact it is having on some of your ongoing trading performances.
This analysis gives an important guide on what to do in order to succeed online; choosing the right platform(s) is of utmost importance to attract the relevant customers who will need your products and/or services.
In Digital Marketing, a digital platform refers to either hardware or software of a site for presenting content, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blogs, Websites and sometimes SMS. It brings together the different user groups that is, consumers and producers who do not know each other thus facilitating interaction.
One also has to consider do they have the right hosting servers if a website has a lot of downtime that means loss of business for the business provider!
At times, we confuse what is marketing campaigns, branding, and digital platforms. Simply for campaigns and branding, they are marketing strategies that incorporate digital platforms
Hence, platform analysis is the determining through research of your existing digital platforms on what you need to do in order to succeed in online marketing.
What we do.
At Entwined Media Limited when we carry out your platform analysis and engage with you, we help you to answer the following questions.
What platform(s) is your company using for its digital marketing?
If you have a platform for digital marketing, which platform are you using? It could either be a Facebook account, Twitter, the company Website, an SMS platform and many more.
Among the platforms you have how are they performing? Are they generating leads for potential clients or customers? Are they giving the desired feedback from customers about your product and/or services?
●Which of the platform is the best performing among them all?
●What is making customers attracted to the best performing platform?
●Which other platforms in existence can you venture into and generate success?
●Which platform has a potential among them all?
●Where should focus be directed more?
●How can you improve those platforms that are not performing best?
When we answer these questions and more we are able to do an analysis and see what strategy best fits your company.
Benefits of platform analysis.
1. Reduce Costs.
This helps in determining the platforms that we most need and we put more focus on them. By doing so we help you spend your resources prudently on the most important sources and by avoiding the unnecessary ones you save a lot on your resources hence reducing your operating costs of the platforms.
2. Maximise Capability.
When a platform analysis is carried out you are able to maximise your capability by using the platforms that are beneficial to your company and help you to grow.
3. Gain Speed to put products on the target markets.
A good analysis of the platforms helps us to understand which channels are the best to help with reaching the company’s target markets
4. Foster collaboration and Innovation for new products and Services.
With platform analysis we help you to create a collaboration between your channels for effective working between them. This creates and actualizes the idea of killing two birds with a stone once there is effective collaboration.
At Entwined Media Ltd, #WeCanhelp.

What is a Digital Online Audit?
Accessing your online presence and effectiveness of your digital marketing tools is vital. It is a self check routine of your entire digital ecosystem that allows you to gain insights on how your programs are performing and how you can speed things up for you return on investments.
Importantly here is to reconsider if your current digital marketing and presence are functional. Don’t rely on guess work. Do an online Audit.
What is an Online Audit?
Online Auditing can be defined as a process of examining the activities, techniques, processes and the performance of your existing digital campaign. Also, it can be described as the process that provides a business with a ‘zoomed out’ perspective of your entire online marketing efforts along with reviews of specific marketing channels.
This gives you a competitive advantage and ensures optimization of your marketing resources. At Entwined Media Limited we conduct your online audit and review your online presence and capabilities through a dedicated assessment. This analysis reveals your SWOT factors.
Benefits of Online Audit
Performing an audit of your online marketing strategy is a great place to start if your business is looking to gain a competitive advantage and ensure your marketing resources are not going into waste.
An Online Audit on regular basis is one way to keep your company ahead of the curve. A detailed understanding of how your online marketing campaigns are performing will give you the competitive edge and help you increase revenue.
By reviewing content across your digital channels, you will be able to identify opportunities to improve performance. Some the benefits your business will receive with a professional digital marketing audit includes:
● A detailed, data-based analysis of your current online marketing campaigns.
● A structured approach to help you understand the performance of your digital content.
● Know the costs of your digital strategy and review ROI.
● Review your competitive positioning in your market to maintain a competitive advantage in your target market.
● Detailed analysis of particular channels based on your needs and business goals.
● Helps come up with a well-defined marketing plan
● It creates business clarity for optimum resource utilization.
Comprehensive analysis and suggestions to address problem areas. You will also receive professional insight to optimize and next-step guide to improving your area of interest.
What we do.
At Entwined when we carry out your online audit strategy you will learn: how to improve your web presence with a targeted focus area to generate more leads, other channels to focus on and effective ways to plan digital online marketing.
Our team helps you to understand the following.
1. What you are currently using and the effectiveness of it.
2. The reach of your online strategy in terms of the rank, do you have an email? Is there a social media presence?
3. The digital architecture you are using and help you answer questions like, is your website accessibility easier or user-friendly? How best are your social media channels setup?
4. Content. Do you have a content strategy in place? How strong are your content assets? What formats are you using? Text? Video? Photos? Audio? Applications?
5. Conversion. Are your digital channels designed with a conversion funnel in mind? Do you have any forms on your website, Facebook, blog, etc? What is your rate of form fills per visitor? What is your form abandonment rate?
6. Integration. Are social media channels accessible from your website? Are you cross linking from one social media channel to another? Are you linking back to your website from social media channels? Do your offline activities connect back to digital channels i.e. print ads, trade shows, etc.
7. Measurement. Do you have objectives in place for awareness, influence, engagement, and action? What metrics are you using to gauge performance? Do you have reporting protocols in place? What is the frequency of measurement and reporting? Are there feedback loops in place? Are reports analyzed and acted upon?
At Entwined, #WecanHelp

Did you know how influential digital marketing is?
Marketing has experienced great changes where online marketing is dominating today. The change has led to companies from small businesses, medium sized businesses and corporate companies alter their way of marketing with the aim of increasing traffic and sales. The shift has not only affected the business world but individual brands who have to increase the number of followers and likes on their social media accounts.
The influence and massive use of the internet has hence enhanced the growth of digital marketing. Any business person is able to market their products and services using the different forms of digital technologies. The main focus will be based on the influence of social media in boosting your business growth.
Social media has earned so many people’s attraction. With the different platforms, individuals from different parts of the world can connect, create, interact and share ideas and information based on their interests with the availability of internet. The computer-mediated technologies can be accessed easily from smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers.
The different types of social media
Looking at other marketing strategies, social media outshines the rest in terms of time, cost, feedback and consumer reach.
With the knowledge and understanding on the use of social media, you can easily reach your audience at any given point and at any given time. The posts are not limited and as a business person your target audience can access your accounts at ease hence access information based on the services and goods you offer.
Always in time changing your customers lives
You only get to pay for internet in order to reach out. Digital Marketing Companies who help in boosting the image of your business by creating content for your social media enable your business to reach out to your clients at an affordable price compared to when you have to pay for so much in order to sell your brand through Television ads, Radio ads, print ads and bill boards.
The most important part for your business is feedback from your consumers. Social media gives you the chance to interact with your clients, share, and grow from the different response shared and most of all gain trust. Looking at the traditional modes of marketing, messages from organizations are passed across through the different platforms which lack a medium for response. Consumers feel a sense of belonging once they get to share their views based on the services and products got. It further grows once they get feedback from the source.
Consumer reach
The fact that the social media platforms are worldwide explains it even more. You are able to target a large audience since your business is available on the internet. Interested parties access information through your website and social media accounts.
Digital online marketing enables you lead your competitors.