What is a Digital Online Audit?
Accessing your online presence and effectiveness of your digital marketing tools is vital. It is a self check routine of your entire digital ecosystem that allows you to gain insights on how your programs are performing and how you can speed things up for you return on investments.
Importantly here is to reconsider if your current digital marketing and presence are functional. Don’t rely on guess work. Do an online Audit.
What is an Online Audit?
Online Auditing can be defined as a process of examining the activities, techniques, processes and the performance of your existing digital campaign. Also, it can be described as the process that provides a business with a ‘zoomed out’ perspective of your entire online marketing efforts along with reviews of specific marketing channels.
This gives you a competitive advantage and ensures optimization of your marketing resources. At Entwined Media Limited we conduct your online audit and review your online presence and capabilities through a dedicated assessment. This analysis reveals your SWOT factors.
Benefits of Online Audit
Performing an audit of your online marketing strategy is a great place to start if your business is looking to gain a competitive advantage and ensure your marketing resources are not going into waste.
An Online Audit on regular basis is one way to keep your company ahead of the curve. A detailed understanding of how your online marketing campaigns are performing will give you the competitive edge and help you increase revenue.
By reviewing content across your digital channels, you will be able to identify opportunities to improve performance. Some the benefits your business will receive with a professional digital marketing audit includes:
● A detailed, data-based analysis of your current online marketing campaigns.
● A structured approach to help you understand the performance of your digital content.
● Know the costs of your digital strategy and review ROI.
● Review your competitive positioning in your market to maintain a competitive advantage in your target market.
● Detailed analysis of particular channels based on your needs and business goals.
● Helps come up with a well-defined marketing plan
● It creates business clarity for optimum resource utilization.
Comprehensive analysis and suggestions to address problem areas. You will also receive professional insight to optimize and next-step guide to improving your area of interest.
What we do.
At Entwined when we carry out your online audit strategy you will learn: how to improve your web presence with a targeted focus area to generate more leads, other channels to focus on and effective ways to plan digital online marketing.
Our team helps you to understand the following.
1. What you are currently using and the effectiveness of it.
2. The reach of your online strategy in terms of the rank, do you have an email? Is there a social media presence?
3. The digital architecture you are using and help you answer questions like, is your website accessibility easier or user-friendly? How best are your social media channels setup?
4. Content. Do you have a content strategy in place? How strong are your content assets? What formats are you using? Text? Video? Photos? Audio? Applications?
5. Conversion. Are your digital channels designed with a conversion funnel in mind? Do you have any forms on your website, Facebook, blog, etc? What is your rate of form fills per visitor? What is your form abandonment rate?
6. Integration. Are social media channels accessible from your website? Are you cross linking from one social media channel to another? Are you linking back to your website from social media channels? Do your offline activities connect back to digital channels i.e. print ads, trade shows, etc.
7. Measurement. Do you have objectives in place for awareness, influence, engagement, and action? What metrics are you using to gauge performance? Do you have reporting protocols in place? What is the frequency of measurement and reporting? Are there feedback loops in place? Are reports analyzed and acted upon?
At Entwined, #WecanHelp

Did you know how influential digital marketing is?
Marketing has experienced great changes where online marketing is dominating today. The change has led to companies from small businesses, medium sized businesses and corporate companies alter their way of marketing with the aim of increasing traffic and sales. The shift has not only affected the business world but individual brands who have to increase the number of followers and likes on their social media accounts.
The influence and massive use of the internet has hence enhanced the growth of digital marketing. Any business person is able to market their products and services using the different forms of digital technologies. The main focus will be based on the influence of social media in boosting your business growth.
Social media has earned so many people’s attraction. With the different platforms, individuals from different parts of the world can connect, create, interact and share ideas and information based on their interests with the availability of internet. The computer-mediated technologies can be accessed easily from smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers.
The different types of social media
Looking at other marketing strategies, social media outshines the rest in terms of time, cost, feedback and consumer reach.
With the knowledge and understanding on the use of social media, you can easily reach your audience at any given point and at any given time. The posts are not limited and as a business person your target audience can access your accounts at ease hence access information based on the services and goods you offer.
Always in time changing your customers lives
You only get to pay for internet in order to reach out. Digital Marketing Companies who help in boosting the image of your business by creating content for your social media enable your business to reach out to your clients at an affordable price compared to when you have to pay for so much in order to sell your brand through Television ads, Radio ads, print ads and bill boards.
The most important part for your business is feedback from your consumers. Social media gives you the chance to interact with your clients, share, and grow from the different response shared and most of all gain trust. Looking at the traditional modes of marketing, messages from organizations are passed across through the different platforms which lack a medium for response. Consumers feel a sense of belonging once they get to share their views based on the services and products got. It further grows once they get feedback from the source.
Consumer reach
The fact that the social media platforms are worldwide explains it even more. You are able to target a large audience since your business is available on the internet. Interested parties access information through your website and social media accounts.
Digital online marketing enables you lead your competitors.

Things that differentiate you from your competitors
Every organization has something unique that distinguishes it from another even when they lie on the same line of business. The ideal question would be, what makes you stand out from the many competitors around you?
The uniqueness on your brand, sign, symbol and words created on your image identifies your product thus differentiating it from your competitors. A unique brand establishes a trademark by standing for diverse values and benefits. Over a period of time, a well-established brand becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality and satisfaction in the customer’s mind.
As a business person, the need to understand your past, present and future is important for the development of your organization. Your marketing strategy enables you to define your vision, mission and business goals hence outlines the steps needed in order to attain your goals. The need to be ahead of your competitors should be the main focus thus a marketing strategy ensures that as an organization you are able to describe your business in terms of the services and products offered, explains the position and role of your products and services in the market, profiles your customers and your competition, identifies the marketing tactics aimed to be used and allows you to build a marketing plan and measure its effectiveness.
NB: The marketing strategy develops over the years consequently leading to your business dominating.
Once you are equipped on the type of customers for your business, the advertising skills chose helps you be distinct. Today’s world has brought a shift on the types of advertisement skills applied for a business. More people are connected online leading to the growth on internet usage in the country. The knowledge applied to reach your audiences adds up an advantage for the business being run helping you grab the attention of a wider audience.
The need for excellent Public relations (PR) is highly needed in any organization. PR is broad, it ensures that the relationship between the organization and its clients is well maintained and so is its image. Many customers associate themselves with organizations governed by the right PR personnel members. The communication process enables the transfer of a message from the sender to the receiver enhancing on an organization’s growth. Through the different comments got from your customers, the organization is able to improve and advance the quality of their services and products.
There are different online digital marketing companies that have specialized on ensuring that your brand and your marketing strategy is well represented by guaranteeing your business a unique aspect in the competitive world of business.

5 Ways to gain trust with your clients
Did you know it would take one minute to lose a friend but years to have one. Relationships are based on trust. One would ask what it really means when people trust and understand each other.
The photo below demonstrates trust.
As an organization, there are ways which would enhance on building trust with your clients.
As a business person, friendship is created through interaction. Responding to people’s needs and ensuring the flow of communication is always intact builds up the friendship. The more friends you acquire as an organization the more you earn for your business.
Transparency: Being indisputable as a business person hence your clients are able to see-through your every moves since everything done displays clarity.
A bank which gives details based on the profits and loss made in a year would earn clients trust more compared to one which only shows the profits gained yearly.
Consistency: On the other hand, holding up together everything stated for your clients and being firm on your actions enables a business person to build trust. Ensuring that your first impression towards your clients remains intact as your relationship grows.
The act of communicating enhances feedback from the clients. The process of communication can be developed through the creation of social media accounts which enhance response from diverse people thus enhancing growth and development. Many people are connected to the internet today, this therefore makes it better for an organization to connect with their clients and improve on their relationship. Responding to your clients views demonstrates responsibility and accountability hence boosting trust.
Former American football player, coach and analyst once said, “Don’t ever promise more than you can deliver but always deliver more than you can promise.” Remember the more you deliver your promises the more you earn trust from your clients.
Good services are acknowledged while great services are not forgotten. Responding quickly to your customers by fixing mistakes and going the extra mile having in mind the relationship is a long time thing since customers are for life earns more trust for your business.