The Online Opportunity
It’s no secret that the world has embraced all things digital since the birth of the internet. Now we’re going to talk about how many people are online worldwide, and find out how those people are spending their time online. And finally, tell you how your business can benefit from the still-booming digital trend.
To give you an idea of the explosion of online usage over the last 15 years, consider this: In 2000, about 361 million people were online worldwide. In 2016, there were over 3 billion. That’s a growth rate of 764%! Today, nearly half the world is online.
For instance in India, the numbers are growing at an impressive rate with over 34.8% Indians having Internet access in 2016. Indians are so connected that they have an average of 0.80 mobile subscriptions each, that’s nearly one mobile line per person!
No matter which device they use, on average, people spend over 3 hours per day which is more than 90 hours in a month!
So what are they doing with all that time online? And how can your business tap into this opportunity?
Many of these digitally connected people are shopping.For example, there were close to 100 million online shoppers in India by the end of 2016.
Online video has also seen double-digit growth in the last five years, with millions everyday watching video on social sites or via websites such as Youtube, Netflix, etc.
And people are spending hours, socialising and sharing—nearly 2 and a half hours of their time spent online per day is on social media sites.
If you’re a business owner, all these people doing all these things online presents loads of potential for you.
And as time goes on, people will continue to use the Internet in even more ways that will impact your business.
It’s been truly a modern miracle to witness how the Internet has transformed our daily lives in such a short span of time.
In every country, in every region, across the globe, the world has made a fundamental and profound shift to digital. This is an opportunity any business can embrace.
Talk to us and we’ll show you how.

Your customers are looking for you but can they find you?
The inclination for more clients gets stronger every single second. The question on how your sales are doing lingers through your mind. The big question is, where are the raving crowds demanding for your products?
As a business person, you need to ask yourself whether you are using the right marketing methods. The first question you need to ask is:
1. Are you using traditional marketing methods?
If yes, the strategies being used under traditional marketing leads to forced methods in order to gain customers. The marketing strategies used involve sales promotion as a way of creating incentive for customers to buy products or services.
Offer trials, prizes amongst others are the major influences under traditional marketing. You must understand there are various factors that come in line with the use of traditional marketing, whereby your main aim is to acquire sales, create brand awareness and obtain customers.
Traditional marketing uses various facets such as, business cards, print ads in magazines and newspapers, posters, fliers, commercials on radio and TV, brochures and billboards. Over the last year, traditional marketing was said to have reduced nearly at 60%.
The cost to reach your audience is extremely high compared to digital marketing.
The key factor is, today many people have digitalized and the means by which people look for products and services has turned around which now leads us to the second question.
2. Are you using online marketing methods?
Customers today are searching for products and services online. According to Communication Authority of Kenya, there are 37.4 million internet users.
The most important question you need to ask yourself is, what are users using the internet for? Customers use the internet to bank, research and shop, connect and share.
Digital strategies can reach an infinite audience hence the possibility to tailor digital campaign thus reaching a local audience. While on the web the entire globe is reached when appropriately placed.
Online marketing allows plenty of direct contact between the audience and the business which means very valuable consumer feedback is gained.
Customers have different reasons for searching for a local business. This can be, for them to purchase/ shopping trip, plan for an activity, find a specific product or service, explore the area or read about the business.
The factors that would drive online shoppers is shown below.
Online digital marketing companies ensure that, your business acquires websites, social networks (Facebook, twitter, and google+), online maps, websites or apps displaying your business discounts and advices or reviews, forums and blogs. Among the digital marketing companies in Kenya is; Entwined Media a digital online marketing company that helps you stand out.